the god culture religion

The frist project on the god culture was a huge media experience where celebrities and models and good looking people from all over the world could fast come out and shows in this case its was about the sexiest man in years of 2020 named Michel b Jordan The actor from the movie black panther. And many celebrities across the internet did not agree 30 procent of those asked aid yeas z and the rest did not agree to this pick

There was many hi profile people that came out to support the founder of the black clan this site and the clothing brand music boxing and film and news media brand that has bean growing all over the world. For the last ten years. And it’s founder

There was many hi profile people that came out to support the founder of the black clan this site and the clothing brand music boxing and film and news media brand that has bean growing all over the world. For the last ten years. And it’s founder the boxer knows as iron Tyson green
or aldo colliander as the more Hot looking man we have names like kim kardashian kourtney kardashian
cardi b beyonce Qeean lathifa 
kendall jenner Rita Ora
Jennie the black pink girls band singer from the big world star group black pink  
Women from Russian parts of the world 
Bloggers from Sweden 

Women  fitness from Germany and boogers 
Curvy models from all over the USA light skin  models  all in the night off the 
22 11 2020  the night was a Friday and the women show clearly by foto  and and gestures how they feel about this decision. Whit the new movement called 
THE GOD CULTURE ! Which has gained buzz true the international community in all sectors political royal actors actresses musician sports. Personality young and old big time movie stars black and white  tv people bloggers fitness brands modeling brand has shown interest in this new movement 
Because it’s called a religion it bring the elite to the table. Whit curiosity this global movement can’t be denied and it’s extremely  interesting way of putting this forward in the times like this when the corona pandemic is ruching true manny’s life. It’s a mission Set to liberate the world  at  this point. Whit the last 4 years and the new way of insight on  different  topics and beliefs and systems  country’s history culture, whit the depth of all this we came towards sending that there is the tru light in the god culture  after many revaluation  a long the way. This is history in the making! 
This is relevant to all the sources 
 sectors  in all the areas of life today from all continents of this world  this will be Sean as a were smart strategy to prevail the society of the world and its global struggles and structure in the long times to come.  Yes more need to be done we know that.
That why we are building up this now and finding the right people to be on  the board  and  ever lasting new legacy on the god culture. When times are hard for many veterans all over the world we hope that they can help contribute to this huge global culture that is important for us and the future of the planet.There is more important things to be said that will by structural and time show up

There is so much money that is need right now and so much people that has shown it’s love interest and appreciation male to musician movie stars from blockbuster movie in Hollywood and female actresses to from Hollywood. The movement is huge on a the global scale they all wanna know de read hear watch talk gossip compare on what is being said and released.
from me I can thank my family and mother or being the dear she could be razing me to the man I am today and for that I will always be happy and my father to this I never se him and brothers sisters all in the family the women that’s in my life has Shows me a lot about life and times how to move on when it’s hard times. Like we are facing now in this world. More to come.

more to come